About Mugen

What's M.U.G.E.N ?

M.U.G.E.N (also known simply as MUGEN) is a freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte. Content is created by the community, and thousands of fighters, both original and from popular fiction, have been created. It is written in C which originally used the Allegro library. The latest versions of the engine now use the SDL library.

History Of M.U.G.E.N?

Elecbyte released the customizable fighting game M.U.G.E.N in 1999. The engine was originally released on July 17, 1999. Beta versions of it were made to work on MS-DOSand Linux platforms (Windows platform was never officially released until the release of 1.0 RC1 version, previous Windows unfinished versions were "leaked" since 2003), distributed through their website. The engine allows users to insert created characters, background stages, and other game objects through interpreted text files, graphics, and sound compilations to create a functioning fighting game similar to commercial games. While the engine is set up primarily for fighting game development, several other book types have been developed using it, including shooter and platform style games. Officially, Elecbyte claims to have forgotten what the acronym M.U.G.E.N stood for, but the readmedocumentation states that its meaning referred to the days when the engine was meant to emulate shooting games as opposed to fighting games. The meaning of "mugen" (無限) in Japanese, "unlimited" or "infinite", may have influenced the naming. M.U.G.E.N later expanded into a wide variety of teams and communities such as Mugen Fighters Guild, Mugen Infantry and Mugen Free For All. M.U.G.E.N. also gained more mainstream press with the creation of the Twitch.tv live stream called Salty Bet, where viewers can bet with fake money on 1 Vs. 1 CPU matches played using the engine.

M.U.G.E.N Interface Software

Game Play ??

The engine uses 4 directional keys along with 7 buttons for gameplay (X, Y, Z, A, B, C and Start), in order to accommodate six-button fighters which use three punches, three kicks and a start button.[1] However, characters do not necessarily use all seven buttons, nor need to follow a traditional six- or four-button format.
At most, two human players can control characters, with others being controlled by the engine's AI (including Watch Mode, a demo mode where the computer controls all characters). In addition, several gameplay modes are available via the main menu

Original character Dragon Claw face to face with Darkstalkerscharacter Hsien-Ko in the RAW is WAR ring. The lifebar used was extracted from Capcom vs. SNK 2
The main mode of play is Arcade mode, where a character fights random characters as in other fighter games or use a coding to decide order. There are also three different kinds of Team modes: Single, Simul, and Turns. A fourth mode, Tag, is listed in the EXE along with two related script controllers, but was never used. In Team mode, either side can use any of the team modes. Single is identical to not having a team, Simul gives that side a computer-controlled partner who fights simultaneously, and Turns uses a different character for each round of play, varying from a set number usually from 2 to 4 different characters in a row. If set, the characters' starting life will be adjusted according to the number of players on each side. If one side has two characters and the other has only one in one of the Team modes, the side with two characters will each have half their respective normal maximum life values. Pre-WinM.U.G.E.N versions of the engine could have this feature adjusted or disabled via the options screen or the config file, but due to the nature of the hack, the option has not yet been reactivated. Team Co-op is similar to Simul, except both human players fight on the same side at the same time.
In Survival mode, there is an endless stream of opponents, fighting them either one by one or two in a Simul match. The objective is to beat as many opponents as possible, with the game ending when the player's character or team is defeated. The player can choose to play alone or in Simul or Turns mode, though Single Player mode gives the highest life and life recovered at the end of each round won. Survival mode was the last addition done to the engine. As such, it is not present in any of the DOS versions of M.U.G.E.N.

Commands ?? Key Setup (Config) ??

Buttons Commands
A Weak Kick ( WK )
B Strong Kick (SK)
X Weak Punch (WP)
Y Strong Punch (SP)
C SK + SP ( B + Y )
Z WK + WP ( A + X )

NOTE : Some characters creators custom their chars according to moves that they wan them to use during the game play ,

Last Mugen Edition OF Elecbyte ??

It was an a edition created by elecbyte  that i liked personally a lot because a lot of new creation on it with a special new awsome graphic mode in 2D Games , mixing between old characters design and high resolution stages , backgrounds HD/3D , without forgetting the game interface who seems like KOF XIII

Here's some ScreenShots of the game


And here is some videos about some combo's combination on the game , Enjoy





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